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Corporate Sponsorship Program

Gold Level $2500.00 or above

•Complimentary double exhibitor’s booth

Prime location in exhibit hall
Sponsorship level signage at exhibit booth

•Right to name MSADA in your company’s/product’s advertising as long as your sponsorship is current
•Given recognition as a sponsor at major event at the conference

Banquet on Saturday
Breakfast on Sunday

•Special presentation at General Session on Friday afternoon
•Logo on the main page of MSADA website with link
•Four $50 passes for a meal at the hotel or a nearby restaurant (TBA)
•1/4-page ad in all three MSADA newsletters with special recognition for level of sponsorship
•Membership mailing list
•Recognition in newsletter and website for level of sponsorship
•Logo will be included on all MSADA newsletter publications


Silver Level $1500.00 - $2499.00

Complimentary exhibitor’s booth

Sponsorship level signage at exhibit booth

•Two $50 passes for a meal at the hotel or a nearby restaurant (TBA)
•1/4-page ad in all three MSADA newsletters with special recognition for level of sponsorship
•Membership mailing list
•Recognition in newsletter and website with link
•Special presentation at General Session on Friday afternoon
•Logo will be included on all MSADA newsletter publications

Bronze Level $1000.00 - $1499.00

•Complimentary exhibitor’s booth

Sponsorship level signage on exhibit booth

•Membership mailing list
•Recognition in newsletter and website with link
•Two $50 passes for a meal at the hotel or a nearby restaurant (TBA)
•Business card ad in all three MSADA newsletters


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